In The Media – Australian Cosmetic Dental Magazine
Do you really need social media for your dental practice?
Carolyn has once again been asked to write an article for the AADFA’s Australian Cosmetic Magazine.
This month she has written an article on Social Media for Dentists.
There is a lot of talk about social media marketing for business. Some dental practices are jumping on the social media bandwagon simply other dental practices have an intuitive hunch that there is something to online word-of-mouth marketing using social media, but they’re just not sure yet what it is.
The statistics speak for themselves and are staggering – In July 2013 Facebook had 13 million Australians users and YouTube had 11 million. A recent survey in the USA found that 92% of orthodontists used Facebook, followed by 72% of general dentists and 70% of paediatric dentists.
Forward-thinking practices are beginning understand the significance of being visible on social media. Read the article and find out how you can start your social media strategy.
Download & read the full article