Dental Public Relations

Dental Public RelationsProviding public relations services to health care, medical and dental professionals.

Dental Public Relations (PR) is not just a tool for big businesses. Single practitioners and small practices can benefit greatly from Dental Public Relations – but they’re often restricted by budget and not taken seriously by PR consultancies.

If you’re a small dental, medical or health care business wanting to stand out in your industry and attract new customers then look no further.

A Dental Public Relations strategy will help your business use the media to:

  • inform potential customers about a brand new product or service
  • tell the general public or specific target markets about your business and why it’s special
  • shape the way it’s perceived in the eyes of customers and potential customers

Dental Public Relations Services

My Dental Marketing can deliver the following Medical Public Relations services:

  • PR strategy and key messages devised to tie in with marketing plans, plus PR schedule detailing monthly media release and messages.
  • Reputation management and monitoring online and offline
  • Positioning yourself / your business as a knowledge expert and spokesperson to relevant media
  • Communications audit including; messaging, & key PR angles
  • Drafting & final editing media releases per story
  • Distribution of tailored media release and/or pitch to mainstream and industry specific media –print, online media, radio, television.
  • Online distribution to article directories
  • SEO of media release (based on target keywords).
  • Follow up to media contacts.
  • Media liaison — setting up appointments between key specialist/spokesperson and media.
  • Team meetings, and/or call to discuss any clinic events or current angles for media opportunities
  • Media monitoring service (articles will be sent to you as a PDF file)
  • Competitor PR monitoring of major news and published stories
  • Fortnightly report with all interest and activity.

Contact us to find out more about our dental public relations services

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