There have been some more changes to your Facebook business page. You can now add different roles and responsibilities to your business pages admins.
Dental and Medical Facebook Page Admin Roles
There are now five different roles that your dental and medical Facebook page admins can have. These roles are “Manager,” which has access to everything, followed by “Content Creator,” “Moderator,” “Advertiser” and “Insights Analysts,” which has the least amount of abilities and can only see a page’s statistics.
The table below explains each role:
See Facebook’s help page for more information
How Can I Use This For My Dental and Medical Facebook Page?
Why might you do this? A couple of ideas are below.
You could be the practice manager and want to have sole control of updating and commenting on your dental and medical Facebook page. Your practice owners may wish to be able to see the Facebook page statistics but you don’t want them to change the page. You could set them up with the ‘Insight Analyst’ role.
Or perhaps you have a new social media intern who hasn’t quite mastered your dental or medical social media strategy. You want to get her immersed in your social media presence so she can learn it. Maybe her role as a page administrator is ‘Moderator’ so she can do some social media monitoring, but doesn’t start messing with the page’s apps and status updates.
How To Set Up The Admin Roles
To set these permissions on your own page, go to the top right corner of your screen and hit ‘Manage,’ then select ‘Settings‘ in the drop-down. That will take you to this screen where you can manage all of your Facebook admin roles for your page:

Need More Help With Your Facebook Page?
Contact My Dental Marketing to see how we can help you with your Medical or Dental Facebook page